Stuart & Tom naked showering but still selling clothing[/caption]

Okay pop quiz. Is the above picture from;

a) Abercrombie & Fitch
b) Jack & Fitch
c) Jack Wills
d) Abercrombie & Wills

I wear A&F almost exclusively. Most people who know me already know this. Whilst I was in Brighton at the weekend I stumbled into a store that looked like A&F, smelt like A&F yet wasn’t A&F.
Jack Wills has an almost identical visual identity to the large US based store. It’s even a very similar font style. The store has a very similar feel, white painted wood and rich carpeting. The website has a similar feel. Even the obligatory lifestyle section filled with beautiful semi naked models. In fact I’m failing to see what item of clothing Stuart and Tom are selling in the picture above ;o)

Anyway since the Abercrombie store is yet to open in Bond Street and it’s always nice to diversify ones wardrobe every now and then I’ve ordered myself a catalogue in case I see an item or two I’d like to purchase.

3 Replies to “Abercrombie & Wills? Jack & Fitch?”

  1. I love Jack Wills… it is so much better than abercrombie. i'm not gonna lie there are some things I love about Fitch but Jack Wills wins any race by far so don't go and start comparing them

  2. tbh jack wills. best of british!
    abercrombies too tacky and too many people have it it seems more of something that all types of people have and they're clothes are too plain and dont have much style.
    jack wills is more about the fashion and much better tbh.

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