‘There was a boy called John…’ When Crichton is interrogated by the Eidolons and has to explain his predicament, he says he does it for the 89th time. This is a reference to Ben Browder’s voice-over for the opening sequence of the 88 episodes of the Farscape series. Sky One have been using this voice over and a rather catchy tune for the farscape adverts – It’s great a nice close up of Ben every 15 mins or so :o)
I’m not obsessing though – honest! Although I can’t get the tune out of my head. Must look that up and find out who it’s by.
the rise and rise of chav culture
Worse than the whole Gay Int? thing on ebay is the rise of scally and chav gear. All I was looking for this time was an adidas top. So it looks like now if you have any second hand clothes you want rid of on ebay you just add the words chav or scally and maybe for good measure add gay int? to the end!
Waste of budget
“Just met this girl at the bar, she’s really interesting to talk to.” With a pic of her chest.
So where is this advert then? IN the gents – great says the ad people. Ah but in the gents of a gay bar? Not quite so good!
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