shots in dave’s honour
Barcode. Sunday Night. £1 shots. Never good. Michelle, Gary, Nick and I had some Dave in his honour!
Needless to say I felt rough this morning.
Needless to say some of last night I wish to pretend never happened.
In fact it was all so unnecessary since there were only four of us.
Just how do you get boys to undress?
Especially at -20c in Helsinki!
Nice though ;o)
Top or Active?
Okay so heated discussion in our flat about this. Not the difference (if there is one) but how gaydar describe your ‘role’ in life.
So Matt insisted it was Active and I thought it said top. Turns out we were both right. For some reason known only to gaydar, the PC shows Matt as Active and me as Active/Versatile (slut). My Mac on the other hand shows Matt as Top and me as Top/Versatile.
So if anyone from gaydar is reading this can you explain please. Confused of Balham.
The World Trade Center Crater
Kris on flickr took this pic and I thought it was rather cool – you know how I like a man in uniform ;o)
The rest of the series is here.
pure genius
safe for work – well actually probably not – depends on where you work obviously!
spam (again)
Would you even consider dealing with a company that uses the worst english in the world to try and avoid spam filters?
This pitiful attempt did make it into my inbox today –
In creeease your quality of life through Huuumaaan Groowth Hooormooone and Test ossssteroone The raaaapy.
We have fullly liicenseed m ediicaal faciiliiiities, all oooordwwrs are filllled by US Phaaa rmaciiiieees, ffDaa Appppproveeeed, and reviiewed by Booard Certiiified Doooctoraaaa.
Don’t be fooooled by imiiitatioon proooducts out on the maarket. Our proooograms are cliinicalllly proven to reeeeduuuce booody faat, increeeease s eexuaal perform aaaance and reeeeduce the efffffects of agiiinnnng. These are not prooooducts you can puuuurchase in the stoores, they are only admiiiinisterrrred by liiicenseeed dooooc Tor’s and p haaaarm aciies.
Each of our cllllients willll be in contact with our liiiicensed phyyyysiiiicians to determine the best proooogram for them. To receiive more in formaaation on our prooograms and theeraapy please filllll out our shoort fooorm and we willll contact you back as soon as we get a chance to reviiiew your suuubmissssion foorm
farscape – peacekeeper wars
‘There was a boy called John…’ When Crichton is interrogated by the Eidolons and has to explain his predicament, he says he does it for the 89th time. This is a reference to Ben Browder’s voice-over for the opening sequence of the 88 episodes of the Farscape series. Sky One have been using this voice over and a rather catchy tune for the farscape adverts – It’s great a nice close up of Ben every 15 mins or so :o)
I’m not obsessing though – honest! Although I can’t get the tune out of my head. Must look that up and find out who it’s by.
the rise and rise of chav culture
Worse than the whole Gay Int? thing on ebay is the rise of scally and chav gear. All I was looking for this time was an adidas top. So it looks like now if you have any second hand clothes you want rid of on ebay you just add the words chav or scally and maybe for good measure add gay int? to the end!
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