thanks to Spence for this link to porn pics
Sunday – Thursday
Well the last few days have certainly included a lot of alcohol – in fact more alcohol than is possibly good for me.
Sunday saw Scally, Dave and myself in Clapham for dinner then the 2 Brewers to catch Pam Ann’s show – we were joined later by Paul and Dave [ensued a dodgy introduction of Dave meet Dave and erm, Dave].
Pam Ann was on top form, dragging a not especially reluctant Paul up on stage and removing his top, certain members of the group had to check their jaws for bruises as they picked them up off the floor 😉 Not too much alcohol involved due to the sewers being short staffed and the bar being packed.
Monday saw wine at home with other friends and Tuesday saw impromptu drinks after work for Janice’s Birthday which was supposed to be a preamble to the pop quiz but ended up much later with Reindeer Skins and Leather Sofa’s and talk of the Ice Hotel. Sadly this left Dave on his own for the quiz.
Last night saw dinner at mine with Spence, Glenn and Andrew before heading off to the ABV bar in Streatham to drink even more.
Seeing Jacs tonight for drinks too and a busy weekend planned so it looks like no rest for me – I shall not complain though 😉 I’ve done enough of that recently and besides I am still on holiday – honest!
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