well the alexander technique helped a lot actually – may try more of that tonight. just been invited to the boyz belated christmas party too 🙁 lloks like I will not be attending that one. It is a school night after all.
meg has handily just told
meg has handily just told me about the alexander technique – “get a copy of the yellow pages, or a book about 1.5-2″ thick, lie on the floor with the book under your head, knees bent at 45 degrees, hands on floor. bloody comfy. try and do it for 10 mins or so”
I’m off to try it now! but I may just check it out a bit first!
Also just sent a mailing about the party – a final reminder 😉 Did I email(‘miss you’)?
:( sore back –
🙁 sore back – lying on the floor popping ibuprofen
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