okay well I did it

okay well I did it in the end I was sucked into that whole corporate thing. I bought my boss a birthday present. Yeah okay so I do like her – and probably would be friends outside work but it just kind of makes me feel wierd. It reminds me that I spend most of my life at work. I also ordered a cake and what with the PA being on holiday and all it was a scary thing having to phone and order a cake. I was stupmed by the how many for question. So wnt and asked Pippa [not yet in the people directory but cool as anything and very beautiful and single – god I sound like meg – pimping] So we opted for like a cake for 50 – I mean Sheena does know a lot of people and deals with lots of departments. So anyway five rolls around and they deliver this cake and I swear to god I have never – and I do mean never – seen a cake the size. It all went but seeing it there was such a shock. It was like 2 feet square or something. Very nice too – Cafe Paradiso done us good again. They are on hammersmith road and do fantastic food – plug plug :o)
fucktard was the word of the day this afternoon. kind of worries me that the connies understood a lot more than some of our employees… mentioning no names but erm dave you know the score mate and my heart goes out to you.

Well I am back in

I am back in the office now after being out all morning.Dave
asked me where I had been. I explained that I was out training 14 or so people
to use AOL in order that they can wander
around shopping centres looking like connie. He asked if they had "evil red
bobs" to which of course the answer is yes and no. They have evil red bob
wigs 😉
I think the concept of so many connie’s running around is going to give him

Is this kind of like

Is this kind of like a non electronically produced weblog then? The found diary of someone transcribed onto the web in the form of a blog only it is never going to be updated. Seems kind of sad really – the person who lost the diary must have been gutted. To have put that much effort into chronicling your life only to lose it. A bit like my archives on blogger really. I still can’t get them to republish. They all seem to be there on blogger but….