I cannot believe how much money I have just spent on vitamins and supplements!
Okay so it is David’s
Okay so it is David’s birthday and he is allowed to choose the venue for his meal but… Old Orleans Restaurant : A Taste of the Deep South I mean come on. We may as well just go to an Aberdeen Steakhouse : A Taste of Tourist London.
Well it seems to be
Well it seems to be the time of year for it – another work colleague – Scott in the STates – has had a baby. Well technically it was his wife that had he baby but you know what I mean :o)Cassidy Joy Long was born , 7am, Nov 30 2000.
Congratulations to all three!
UK lowers gay age of
UK lowers gay age of consent. Not that the age of consent really stops most people – gay or straight. It still seems a bit mad though that you can bring a child into the world a full 2 years before having a drink or watching a porn film.
‘No Homos’ Pub Vandalized what
‘No Homos’ Pub Vandalized what a shame! Anyone who describes lesbians or gay men as ‘one of them’ is lucky to only have it vandalised if you ask me.
I’m feeling pants today I
I’m feeling pants today I have a viral throat infection :o( This of course means that the Doctor decided not to give me anything for it – recommends plenty of rest and drinking lots of water. Great. When am I going to get time for plenty of rest in December?
Couple that with newish horny spanish boyfriend, friends birthdays random festive parties and you have a recipe for less sleep than is sensible.
Oh and I’m sure the fun packed week-end didn’t help much either :o)
Oh and yes I am feeling sorry for myself…
It had to happen sometime
It had to happen sometime didn’t it? Connie as you will never see her in the adverts.
Sorry for the lack of
Sorry for the lack of post recently – server issues prevented updates :o(
Friday saw our office christmas party – and what a laugh that was – Meg as always has been much busier than myself and got some pics up already!
So I’ll let you guess which of the rabble I am.
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