- Glee finale is genius 🙂 #
- iTunes are helping the Christmas spirit with a free album – http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/itunes-holiday-sampler/id344358817 #iTunes #
- I'm at The Exhibit (12 station road, Next to sainsburyd, Balham). http://4sq.com/5nNMxM #
- I'm at Mother Mash (26 Ganton place, Carnaby St, London). http://4sq.com/2OrdlA #
- 2 x Pet Shop Boys tickets available for Monday 21st at the O2. £30 each 🙂 #
- @dbushe yeah that and voyager on virgin1 in reply to dbushe #
- This is disgusting: http://tr.im/HT0V and, for the record "it started a debate" is not an argument. BBC, stop behaving like a gross tabloid. #
note to self
how's my typing?
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