I watched a young man throw his old season ticket on the platform this morning. So I took my headphones off and tapped him on the shoulder and suggested he may have dropped his ticket. His reply?
“No it’s okay it’s my old one. I meant to throw it on the floor”
To which my response to the amusement of a few onlookers was
“oh I see. I always thought that’s what bins were for”
He glared at me but left the ticket on the floor.
The youth of today…
photo friday
weird when good things off the web suddenly become mainstream. Take photo friday.
Each week Photo Friday posts a photo assignment. Your mission is the creative interpretation of the week’s theme. When you’re done, post the picture you took to your website and submit your link to Photo Friday.
Sounds simple? It is and it’s fun too. So no suprise then that sony ericsson have just launched a monthly version to advertise their new t610 model. The idea is essentially the same but monthly…
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