Okay now it’s about time to do a weekend in review.

Friday – quietish
Saturday – not so quiet
Sunday – really not at all quiet
Friday night I spent catching up with people I seem not to have had time to have conversations with recently. I’m not sure how but I seem to have fallen into a trap of snatched IM conversations of monosyllabic responses whilst working. Even email responses are not as lenghty as friends deserve. I never seem to have a chance anymore to do more than skim read and fire off a quick 1 or 2 line response.
Saturday was a more social affair. I met up with Dave and we had dinner before meeting Rob and finally another Dave and going into the Stag in Victoria for the 5th Birthday of Sports and Shorts. I spent the evening as ‘Arse Traffic Control’ which in my day was called pimp. Making sure my friends did not get off with the first person they spoke to. I also quite liked the look of this guy but then I was on heat! Much alcohol later and avoiding the Boyz camera’s Dave, Dave and Rob ended up back at mine for facsimile Cosmopolitans. I was way too drunk to worry about the lack of limes or ice.
I was supposed to be going out Sunday – thankfully it was postponed until Wednesday night. I was not in a fit state the amount I had to drink on Saturday. Most of Sunday was spent recovering from the night before and I was not impressed that the boys had bounced back before I had.
I saw numerous trailers for not another teen movie and have added it to my hitlist of films to see in the near future.