still not feeling 100%

but going into work anyways tomorrow as I have watched every DVD I own in an attempt to avoid daytime TV and then ran out and borrowed some off friends. Also feeling kind of guilty even though I am sick that lots is happening at work without me 🙁

Routine some of us like it some of us don’t I think I need it and work is firmly part of the routine. Looking forward to the school bus even

x-ray specs

well okay not specs but I did go to the hospital to get my chest x-rayed today. It wasn’t actually that bad except I was surrounded by half naked old men coughing as badly as I was. The porter was cute though 😉 I’m terrible me – sick as a dog and still checking out the talent.

I’m very bored of being sick now though and would like to be able to drink sometime soon and maybe even venture into a pub or bar. Looks like I’m missing out on all the fun scally has been out on the town with bruce in tow – or should that be the other way around?