Not a very eventful weekend but I did go up the millenium wheel which was really good. It’s amazing what you do when visiting a foreign city but when you live in London these things usually take a back seat. I highly recommend it – although BA referring to it as a flight was slightly annoying 😉
I followed this with a trip around west end bars. Andrew and I wandered from bar [with loud music] to bar [with loud music] not settling on a place which suited us. 8.30pm on a sunday and allt he bars were quiet or stupidly loud and quiet. The best of the bunch being Rupert Street [and those of you who know me will probably faint]. We even gave up on Barcode which was just wierd – although the cute man that kept looking at me as I left was nice 😉 So an early night was had instead of a night on the tiles.
Resistance is Futile! Makes
Resistance is Futile! Makes a change someone sniping at the GAP and not Abercrombie & Fitch.
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