so now I finally get

so now I finally get logged into yahoo groups except it does not bring with it any of my egroups preferences or groups so erm yeah i’ll just go search and subscribe to them all again shall I? I though the internet was supposed to make research easy. nope the internet makes things take up way too much time. why make it simple when if we try really hard we can make it really difficult to use and overly complicated *sigh*

I just got sent one

I just got sent one of those lists of quotes from famous people – normally I do not get chance to read through them but today I figured I should take 5 and have a browse. the quote I liked the most – so am gonna share it with you is;
Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.
Billy Crystal
This of course is the main reason gay men have better sex lives than straight men 😉

okay well the last person

okay well the last person just left at around 4:20 so I thought I would just post a quick update. I had a great time lots of friends around me which was nice. I suppose that is the plan for a party though. You don’t really invite people you don’t like!
I’m hoping everyone else enjoyed themselves as much as I did. The flat still has cammo paint all over the walls and the netting is still up. The flat is suprisingly tidy though which is good. Just watched Urban Legend.